Allah's 99 Names
ASMA-UL_HUSNA (The Beautifull Names Of GOD)

Ar Rehman(The Beneficent) | One who recites this name 100 times will get sharp memory. |
Ya ‘Adl(The Just) | One who eats the bread after writing this name Friday night, will obey his order. |
Ya ‘Afuw(The Pardoner) | One who recites this name frequently, his sins will be pardoned. |
Ya Ahad(The One) | Recitation of this name 1000 times opens certain secrets. |
Ya Akhir(The Last) | One who recites this name frequently will lead a good life and at the end of this life will have a good death. |
Ya-A‘ali(The Most High) | Frequent recitation of this name helps in destiny and in Traveling. |
Ya Alim (The All Knowing) | One who recites this name will become luminous and can be revealed by divine light (Noor). |
Ya Awwal(The First) | Recitation of this name, 1000 times for 40 Fridays will help in getting a child. |
Ya Azim(The Great One) | One who recites this name frequently will get respect from others. |
Ya ‘Aziz (The Mighty) | Recite this name 40 times after fajr (morning) prayers for 40 days to be independent from need from others. |
Ya Baatin (The Hidden) | One who recites this name three times in a day will be able to see the truth in things. |
Ya Badi(The Incomparable) | One who recites this name 70 times will be free from all troubles. |
Ya Baa’is(The Resurrector) | One who recites this name will gain the fear of Allah. |
Ya Baqi(The Everlasting) | One who recites this name 100 times before sunrise will be saved from all disasters. |
Ya Barr(The Source of all Goodness) | One who recites this name for his child, the child will be free from misfortune. |
Ya Basir(The All Seeing) | One who recites this name 100 times after Friday Prayers (Namaz) will get the esteem in the eyes of others |
Ya Basit(The Expander) | One who recites this name 10 times after morning Prayers (Namaz) with open hands will get wealth. |
Ya Fattah(The Opener) | One who recites this name will face the victory. |
Ya Ghaffar(The Forgiver) | One who recites this name, his sins will be forgiven. |
Ya Ghafur(The All Forgiving) | Recitation of this name helps in healing from headache, Fever & depression. |
Ya Ghani(The Self Sufficient) | One who recites this name will be contented and not covetous. |
Ya Hadi(The Guide) | One who recites this name frequently will gain spiritual knowledge. |
Ya Hafiz(The preserver) | One who recites this name 16 times each day will be protected against calamities. |
Ya Hakam(The Judge) | One who recites this name frequently at night, many secrets will be revealed to him / her. |
Ya Hakim(The Wise) | One who recites this name continuously will prevent him / her from the difficulties in work. |
Ya Halim(The Forbearing One) | Write this name on the piece of paper and put it where the seeds are sown, this will prevent from any disaster & calamity. |
Ya Hamid(The Praiseworthy) | One who recites this name will be loved and praised |
Ya Haqq(The Truth) | One who recites this name will get his lost thing. |
Ya Hasib(The Reckoner) | One who starts reciting this name 70 times beginning Thursday for seven days and nights and at the 71st time recites“Habiyallah ul Hasib” will be free of fears from robbery & Jealousy. |
Ya Hayy(The Alive) | One who recites this name will have long life. |
Ya Jaame(The Gatherer) | One who recites this name will find lost things. |
Ya Jabbar(The Compeller) | Recitation of this name helps to prevent from violence, severity or hardness. |
Ya Jalil(The Sublime One) | One who writes this name on a piece of paper with musk and saffron, washes it, and drinks the water from a ceramic container made of earth, will be revered among men. |
Ya Kabir (The Most Great) | One who recites this name 100 times will get esteem. |
Ya Karim(The Generous One): | One who recites this name will have esteem in this world. |
Ya Khabir(The Aware) | One who recites this name will be quickly freed from the bad habit. |
Ya Khafid(The Abaser) | Recitation of this name, 70,000 times in gathering after fasting for 3 days will be safeguarded from enemy. |
Ya Khaliq(The Creator) | Recitation of this name at night will create an angel. |
Ya Bari(The Evolver) | Recitation of each 21 times will help women during child birth. |
Ya Musawwir(The Fashioner) | |
Ya Latif(The Subtle One) | One who recites this name 100 times after performing two rakats of Namaz will gets all his desires fulfilled. |
Ya Majeed (The Noble) | One who recites this name, his heart will be enlightened. |
Ya Majid (The Most Glorious One) | One who recites this name will gain glory. |
Ya Malik (The Sovereign Lord) | One who recites this name frequently will be respected and treated accordingly by others. |
Ya Malik-Al-Mulk (The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty) | One who recites this name will get esteem. |
Ya Maani (The Preventer) | One who recites this name will have a good family life. |
Ya Matin (The Firm One) | One who recites this name will be freed from any troubles. |
Ya Mu’akhkhir (The Delayer) | Reciting this name 100 times helps to love only Allah. |
Ya Mubdi (The Originator) | Recitation of this name on pregnant woman will prevent her from abortion. |
Ya Mughni (The Enricher) | One who recites this name 10 times for 10 Fridays will become self sufficient. |
Ya Muhaymin (The Protector) | One who recites this name with complete ablution, their inner being will be luminous. |
Ya Muhsi (The Reckoner) | One who recites this name 1000 times will have easiness on the judgment day. |
Ya Muhyi (The giver of life) | One who recites this name will be helped in heavy burden. |
Ya Mur’id (The Restorer) | Recitation of this name 70 times will helpful in safe return of the missing person. |
Ya Mu’izz (The Honorer) | Reciting 140 times after isha prayer will help in attaining dignity in the eyes of others. |
Ya Mujib (The Responsive) | Recitation of this name will fulfill appeals. |
Ya Mu’min (The Guardian of Faith) | One who recites this name will be free from any harm. |
Ya Mumit (The Creator of Death) | One who recites this name will be prevented from enemy. |
Ya Muntaqim (The Avenger) | One who recites this name frequently will be victorious against his enemies. |
Ya Muqaddim (The Expediter) | Recitation of this name is helpful in the battlefield |
Ya Muqit (The maintainer) | One who recites this name on a glass of water and gives this water to bad mannered child, it will help the child in attaining good manners. |
Ya Muqsit(The Equitable) | One who recites this name will be free from the harm of the devil. |
Ya Muqtadir (The Powerful) | Recitation of this name helps to know the truth. |
Ya Muta’ali (The Most Exalted) | One who recites this name frequently will gain the benevolence of Allah. |
Ya Mutakabbir(The Majestic) | Recitation of this name before having intercourse with wife will blessed with righteous child. |
Ya Muzill(The Dishonorer) | One who recites this name 75 times will be prevented from jealousy. |
Ya Naafi (The Propitious) | One who recites this name continuously for four days will be prevented from any harm. |
Ya Nur (The Light) | One who recite this name will have inner light. |
Ya Qabiz(The Constrictor) | One who writes this name on 50 pieces of food (fruit, bread, etc) for 40 days will receive ample sustenance. |
Ya Qadir(The Able) | Recitation of this name helps in fulfilling one’s desires. |
Ya Qahhar (The subduer) | One who recites this name will be made free from the attractions of the world and gain inner peace. |
Ya Qawi (The most Strong) | One who recites this name with the intention of not being harmed, will be safe from his enemy. |
Ya Qayyum (The Self Subsisting) | One who recites this name will not fall into inadvertency. |
Ya Quddus (The Holy) | One who recites 100 times every day will be free from anxiety. |
Ya Raafi(The Exalter) | Reciting this name 100 times during day and night will make the person higher and rich. |
Ya Rahim(The Merciful) | One who recites this name seven times will be under Allah’s protection. |
Ya Raqib(The Watchful) | One who recites this name seven times will be under Allah’s protection. |
Ya Rashid(The Guide to the Right Path) | One who recites this name 1000 times between Maghrib and Isha Namaz will be safe from troubles. |
Ya Ra’uf(The Compassionate) | Recitation of this name gives the blessing of Allah. |
Ya Razzaq(The Provider) | One who recites this name will be provided with sustenance from Allah. |
Ya Sabur(The Patient) | One who recites this name 3000 times will be rescued from any difficulty. |
Ya Salaam (The Source of Peace) | One who recites this name 160 times to a sick person will regain health. |
Ya Samd (The Eternal) | One who recites this name frequently will be helped in need. |
Ya Samii (The Al Hearing) | One who recites this name 100 times without speaking to anyone on Thursday after the Zuhr prayer, Allah will bestow on him / her any desire. |
Ya Shaahid (The Witness) | One who recites this name will get obedient child. |
Ya Shakur(The Appreciative) | Recitation of 41 times will helps in healing from depression. |
Ya Tawwab (The Acceptor of Repentance) | One who recites this name frequently, his repentance will be accepted. |
Ya Waali (The Governor) | One who recites this name and breathes it into his house, his house will be free from danger. |
Ya Wali(The Protecting Friend) | One who recites this name will be the protected one |
Ya Wadud(The loving) | Reciting this name 1000 times on food before eating will help in making compromise between two persons. |
Ya Wahhab (The Bestower) | One who recites this name 100 times after two rakats of Namaz will get all needs fulfilled. |
Ya Wahid(The Unique) | One who recites this name alone and in a quiet place will be free from fear and delusion. |
Ya Wajid(The Finder) | One who recites this name will have richness of heart. |
Ya Wakil(The Trustee) | One who recites this name will have long life. |
Ya Warris(The Supreme Inheritor) | One who recites this name will have long life. |
Ya Wasi (The All Embracing) | Recitation of this name will eradicate poverty. |
Ya Zaahir(The Manifest) | One who recites this name 15 times after Friday prayer, will get divine light in his heart. |
Ya Zaarr(The Distresser) | One who recites this name will gain status. |
Ya Zul Jalal Wal Ikram(The Lord of Majesty and Bounty) | One who recites this name frequently will get good wealth. |